Monday, February 19, 2007

6 p.m. happy hour time!

Most of the alcoholic beverages that we drink are high in calories, and we all know that one drink usually doesn't set the mood. So, if you usually have more than three drinks when you go out, you may start gaining weight a lot faster if you don't exercise and eat right.

I'm not trying to tell you that drinking in high quantities is OK but if you do drink: 1. drink responsible, and 2. at least drink alcoholic beverages that are low-sugar or carbohydrate-free.

Some suggestions are:

Beer -- a regular Budweiser contains 145 calories; you may want to try Bud light which contains 110 calories.

Wine -- one (1) small wine glass (4 fl.oz) contains 90 calories, as opposed to an 8 fl.oz. glass that has 180 calories

Cocktail mixers -- a Margarita has 150 calories and a Piña Colada has 325.

Sugar-Free Margaritas

1 jigger (1.5 oz) tequila
2 Tablespoons (1 oz) lime juice - bottled more convenient, fresh tastes a lot better
1/4 cup (4 Tablespoons) water
1/4 teaspoon orange extract
1 Tablespoon's worth artificial sweetener (I like to use liquid, carb-free types)
Ice - small handful
Margarita salt or kosher salt

Here is a list of the most popular alcoholic drinks that contains high calories:

Martini: 135 cal
Mojito: 160 cal
Cosmopolitan: 215 cal
Tequila Sunrise: 200 cal
Red Wine: 80 cal
White Wine sparkling: 95 cal
Most regular bears: from 150 cal to 200 cal.

Have fun and don't drink and drive.


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