Friday, February 16, 2007

Sugar High Friday - a seductive fruit salad


This is the dessert I made for Valentine's Day, and thus I think it's more than fit to be my entry for this month's Sugar High Friday. The event is hosted by Confessions of a Cardamom Addict, and the theme? Sweet seduction.

I like that this is a really light dessert - perfect after a hearty meal. As much as I love chocolate, if I've had something massively fattening (let me remind you that we had Steak Béarnaise for our Valentine's dinner!) I really crave something light and refreshing. This worked really well.

You can use any citrus fruits, really - think of this more as a general sketch than an actual recipe. I used a spoonful of home made vanilla sugar - you can use regular sugar, or omit alltogether if your fruit is sweet enough.

The easiest way to get pomegranate seeds out is to first squeeze the fruit, then cut it in half across the middle. Hold the halves, cut side down, and bang on the fruit with a wooden spoon. The seeds will fall right out. Just pick off any white membrane that might fall out, too.

Five-Citrus Salad with Pomegranate
Serves 2

1 pink grapefruit
1 blood orange
1 regular orange
1 mandarine/tangerine/clementine
1 lime
1/2 - 1 tbsp sugar or vanilla sugar
1/2 pomegranate

Peel the fruit with a knife, and make sure not to include any white pith. Cut out nice wedges - little tiny fruit fillets. Put the wedges in a bowl, with most of the citrus juice. Sprinkle with sugar, and leave in the fridge for an hour or so. (Or eat immediately - but you can prepare this well in advance.)

When you're ready to eat, divide the citrus onto plates or in shallow bowls. Top with pomegranate seeds, and indulge.

Recipe in Swedish:
Citrussallad med granatäpple

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