Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chèvre gratinated Asparagus and Potatoes

chevregratinated sparris

I've mentioned that Per has started to cook more frequently for me (well, he cooks a lot, but he's gradually getting into more fancy food) and here's another dish that he has cooked recently. It's a delicious side dish of chèvre gratinated asparagus and potatoes. It could even be a veggie main dish, or perfect for a buffet-style spread. Chèvre, goat's cheese, is one of my favorite ingredients ever, and it goes especially well with umami-tasting ingredients like beets or asparagus. Umami is often called the fifth flavor, in addition to sweet, sour, salty and bitter, and present in many foods. (Read more at Umami Information Center.)

Now, for the dish. It's from Per's favorite cookbook - Mera Fredagsgourmet från Allt om Mat, a collection of perfect Friday night dishes from a popular Swedish food magazine.

Chèvre gratinated Asparagus and Potatoes
Serves 2

200 g potatoes - new if you can get them
300 g fresh asparagus - green and white (the white has to be peeled)
250 ml single cream (about 20% fat)
200 g chèvre cheese
black pepper

Boil the potatoes until just done. Briefly boil the asparagus in salted water, and immediately transfer to a bowl of iced water to stop the cooking. Put the vegetables in an oven-proof dish.

Bring the cream to a boil, and let it reduce for a couple of minutes. Crumble the cheese into the cream, but reserve some to sprinkle on top of the dish. Add salt and pepper to the cream, and mix well.

Pour the sauce over the vegetables, and crumble over reserved cheese. Put the dish in your oven with the grill element on the highest setting, just for a few minutes until the cheese turns golden.

Great as a side dish with grilled meat or chicken.

Recipe in Swedish:
Getostgratinerad sparris och potatis

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