Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hazelnut Chanterelle Risotto


Tonight's dish was created for Swedish food blogging event Cyberkocken, a take on Paper Chef, which in turn is a take on Iron Chef. Four given ingredients are combined into something delicious. This month, we were given rocket (arugula), any nuts, any mushrooms and green beans. I first thought about a salad, then about a pasta.. but I landed on a risotto, which is definitely one of my favorite kinds of dishes. This one turned out to be extremely tasty, so do try it!

I add half of the hazelnuts right at the beginning, so that they will soften. If you don't like soft nuts, just stir them in at last minute instead. And as always, I cook my risotto in a wide pot, on high heat. Just stir, and add stock whenever it looks dry.

Hazelnut Chanterelle Risotto
Serves 2

200 ml risotto rice (I use avorio or arborio)
1 litre chicken stock
1 onion, diced
50 ml dry sherry
100 g golden chanterelles
75 green beans
25 g rocket (arugula)
2 tsp runny honey
100 ml (small handful) parmesan, shredded
100 ml (small handful) pecorino, shredded
3 tbsp hazelnuts, toasted
olive oil

Start by preparing a bit - bring the stock to a boil in a small saucepan, toast the hazelnuts and chop them coarsely, boil the green beans for three minutes and then plunge into cool water to stop the cooking. Cut them into smaller pieces. Rinse the rocket, chop it. Fry the chanterelles with some oil, chop them. (Save some for serving.)

Melt some butter in a large pot. Fry the onion until it softens a little, but before it turns brown. Add the rice and a splash of olive oil, and fry until the rice turns a bit brown. Add the sherry and let it cook into the rice. Add half of the hazelnuts.

Start adding stock, one ladleful at a time. Whenever the risotto looks dry, add more. You might not need all of it, it all depends on your rice. After 17-18 minutes, your rice should start to feel done. It should have be soft, but still have some bite.

Add the rocket, the chopped up chanterelles and the green beans. Add both kinds of cheese and the honey.

Serve topped with the rest of the hazelnuts, some more cheese and the reserved whole chanterelles.

Recipe in Swedish:
Risotto med kantareller och hasselnötter

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