Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yummy Breakfast

Breakfast yogurt

Today is the 25th annual "Chef of the Year" - or Årets Kock in Swedish - competition. Last year's winner was Tommy Myllymäki, and he served a grand breakfast this morning at a press seminar hosted by Arla (the largest dairy producer in Sweden, and actually the largest producer of ecological dairy products in the whole world). I was lucky enough to be invited!

I only managed the very lousy shot you see above, but that's of a deliciously creamy ecological yogurt topped with various, lightly caramelized nuts.

We also got crispy oatmeal with an apple and raisin compote, served with milk. Didn't try that one, but it sounds nice. Three different small sandwiches - one on dark rye bread with liver paste and pickled cucmber, one on crisp bread with Svecia cheese, pear and cress, and finally a delicious toast with smoked ham and horseradish. Was that enough? No, we also had an egg. Not an ordinary egg, but one that had been boiled for an hour, at exactly 65°C, which made it the most creamy perfect egg I'd ever tried. It was topped with a little bit of tomato sauce and bacon crumbs, which certainly helped things as well.

All in all, a fantastic way to start the day. If you want to read more about Årets kock, several bloggers are there and reporting more or less live. They're in Swedish though - sorry about that. I'll tell you who the winner is and what he cooked, tomorrow.

-Official website
-Arlas website

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