Sunday, April 27, 2008

Daring Bakers try Cheesecake Pops


I'll come straight out and say it: the thing liked most about this challenge was the resulting photos.


My little cheesecakes, rising nicely

Yep. This is not something I'd make again. My lack of enthusiasm is party because I've had a very stressful month, so it's not all due to the challenge itself. But hey - at least they turned out pretty. And I had no problems, really - it was easy enough. I suspected I wouldn't like it very much - so I made a tiny part of the recipe. Indeed, I made a fifth. It was pretty easy to divide everything by five, and I baked it in two ramekins, which worked out very nicely.


I don't have anything to scoop balls with, so I just rolled eight (nine - one was for taste-testing) balls with my hands, placed them in the freezer to set, and dipped them in chocolate. (I used milk chocolate.)

Sea salt and chilli flakes

My mise en place

And various other things, as you can see! This part was fun - I used unsweetened coconut flakes, nonpareils, cocoa nibs and a few other things. I then placed them back in the freezer and.. that' where they remain, I'm afraid.

Butterscotch Sugar

Cocoa Nibs


Don't forget to visit the Daring Bakers blogroll and see what everyone else did! You can find the recipe if you feel inclined to make these yourself, over at Elle of Feeding My Enthusiasm, or Deborah of Taste and Tell.

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