Friday, September 12, 2008

Apple Marmelade


Finally Friday! I'm actually away, we travelled up to our cabin in Dalarna yesterday to spend the weekend. It's so lovely here, calm and serene and the air is cool and clean. We brought all the cats with us, and they love it up here too. I think they know it's vacation, because all they do is sleep and eat - they eat SO much more food here than at home. It's really quite strange.

Klara, like I said yesterday, was horribly carsick all the way, no fun when the trip takes four and a half hours. I wonder how she'll do on the way home?

Now, over to something edible. Apples. I love apples. I wish I had an apple tree, but alas, I don't. However, I have friends. With trees. And one of them, Monica, presented me with a huge bag of apples a few days ago. I made loads of apple sauce (another post, I promise) and then I made this yummy apple marmalade. It's best to use fairly tart apples to give a nice contrast to the sweet sugar syrup, and they also hold their shape better. This is great on toast, but it's also perfect with sharp cheeses.

Apple Marmalade

100 ml water
300 g sugar
500 g apples

Bring water and sugar to a boil in a heavy-bottomed pot, and boil for five minutes. Meanwhile, peel and core the apples, and cut into small wedges or dice. Pour into the sugar syrup, lower the heat slightly and let it cook for about 20 minutes. Most of the liquid should evaporate (so don't turn the heat down too low), but watch it towards the end, it can easily burn.

Pour into clean jars (or jar, in my case) and keep in the fridge. Because of all the sugar, I think this will keep for quite a while, but freeze it if you're unsure.

Recipe in Swedish:

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