Saturday, September 27, 2008

Daring Bakers: Crackers & Dip


This month's challenge for the daring bakers was different. Checking out the hosts, Natalie from Gluten A Go Go, Shel, of Musings From the Fishbowl, I knew that one was vegan and one was gluten-free. I couldn't think of many things for the challenge, at all, but was somewhat relieved when it was finally known and it turned out to be nothing scarier than crackers (lavash) and some kind of vegan, gluten-free dip.

See, I certainly don't mind vegan or gluten-free cooking, but I'm not a big fan of using substitutes. I rather cook naturally free of certain things, rather than use something like vegan dairy, for instance. So, glad I didn't have to!

In fact, we could choose to make our lavash with or without gluten, and I used regular bread flour for mine. Or well, regular - it was a medium dark wholewheat flour. It turned out I needed more water than the original recipe called for, but other than that the dough behaved beautifull and gave me no problems at all.

I topped half of my lavash with a nice chili lime spice blend and sea salt and the other half with cumin and chili. For the dip, I made a roasted green tomato relish, since I had so many green tomatoes in the garden.

Roasted Green Tomato Relish
300 g green tomatoes
1 jalapeño, stem cut off but otherwise left intact
2 garlic cloves

Heat the oven to 200°C and place all ingredients on a rimmed baking sheet. Put them in the oven to roast for 15-20 minutes - they should start to look a little blackened by that time.

Tip the whole thing into a food processor, blitz away, and you're done!

I admit that this wasn't one of the most exciting challenges I've made, nor was I a big fan of the finish lavash (or the dip) - but I brought them to a party where they were very well received!


You can find the recipes here, the blogroll here, and the discussion forums - open to everyone! - here.

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