Friday, December 22, 2006

Swedish Meatballs, oven-baked

I was sure I had posted about this before, but now I can't seem to find it. Oh well! Swedish meatballs are absolutely necessary for christmas. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that it's my ONLY necessity. And I hate store-bought meatballs, so I insist on making my own. Which is always somewhat of a hassle, because of the frying. So this year - huge revelation. You can make them in the oven. Completely. No frying. At all. Did everyone else already know this? It feels like I'm the last person on earth to discover it. In case I'm not, I'm sharing it with all of you, dear readers. This is definitely the way to go.

I didn't measure my spices, just add quite a bit of the white pepper, and just a dash of everything else. You can fry (sorry, for this you'll have to) one to try out the seasoning, but I never bother. And they're always good.

You can serve these with anything - potatoes and gravy, macaroni and ketchup, as part of a large buffet, with any vegs, the possibilities are endless.

Swedish Meatballs, oven-baked

900 g ground meat
1 yellow onion, very finely chopped
1-2 small cloves of garlic, minced
1 egg
white pepper
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of ground ginger
pinch of cardamom
pinch of allspice

Mix everything to an even batter, and form small, round balls. Put in a large roasting pan, and bake for about 15 minutes at 175°C. (I'm using a convection oven, if you're not, add a few minutes.) Shake the pan a few times to ensure an even surface on your meatballs.

Recipe in Swedish:

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