Monday, July 16, 2007

Crispy Eggs


Certainly not one of my prettiest pictures, but it is a real staple at our house. I first learned this dish from Brownie Points, who thought it up for the great event "End of Month Eggs on Toast Extravaganza". And ever since, I make a point of having breadcrumbs in my fridge, seasoned with leftover parmesan, basil and garlic. With that at hand, I can whip up these eggs in about two minutes, which is perfect for when the blood sugar level is at an all-time low.

So. You need:
-leftover bread
-parmesan cheese
-olive oil

Blitz the bread with basil, parmesan and garlic in the processor. It should be mostly bread - the other items are seasonings. You can keep this in a tight jar in the fridge, it will keep very well.

When ready to cook, place a tablespoonful or two of crumbs in a bowl. Add a teaspoon of olive oil and mix. Place these oily crumbs in a frying pan and warm to medium heat - when the crumbs start to sizzle, add an egg directly on top of the crumbs. Or two, if you're having this for dinner. Fry as you normally would fry your eggs, and serve right away.

Recipe in Swedish:
Knapriga Ägg

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