Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th - and send us a thought...

edith 060807

Happy fourth of July to all those out there who celebrate! We actually do - or well, we'll have an "American" dinner with some equally America-minded friends tonight. We'll be serving fried chicken, roasted salsa, macaroni & cheese, buttermilk biscuits and watermelon.

And that's all I'll say about food today, because I have other things on my mind. I know it's not the weekend yet, so think of this as mid-week cat blogging. Edith, our darling kitty, is in the hospital. She got sick on Sunday, and we suspected she had tried to swallow a wasp, as her cheek and tongue were very swollen. She had a high fever too, but luckily our neighbor the vet came over and took care of her.

However, the swelling hasn't gone down, and Edith hasn't been eating or drinking for several days. Our vet couldn't do more for her, so today it was time for the hospital. To make matters worse, Edith has a heart condition (you can read more about that here)and cannot easily be sedated. So, she'll spend the night, getting some nutrients and water through an IV, and hopefully be well enough tomorrow for them to sedate her, find out what's wrong, and fix it.

Cat lovers out there - please send us a thought. She needs all the positive thinking there is to get through this - and I guess we do, too.

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