Friday, August 31, 2007

Chocolate Sorbet


Finally Friday! I don't know why, but this week has seemed particularly long. Probably because I'm about to get a cold, and have been sniffly for a few days. Oh well, I'm looking forward to the weekend!

I know I've posted a lot about sweets this week (and still not about suovas, I'm sorry!) and to make up for it - how about nothing sweet at all next week? Well, we'll see. Anyway, here's a really simple and really delicious chocolate ice-cream for you. Or a chocolate sorbet, more accurately - but it's rich and smooth like an ice-cream. I definitely don't miss the dairy in this.

As virtually all other ice cream I've been making this summer, this, too, is from David Lebovitz' excellent book The Perfect Scoop. I know I sound like a broken record, especially with all the other bloggers giving praise as well, but he deserves it. This is brilliant.

I followed Clotilde's lead and halved the recipe, and didn't blend it - it turned out super smooth anyway. I used a little more dark chocolate, just because I had some that needed using up. And on that note, I used two different kinds - half was a dark Lindt, half a very dark Michael Cluizel. I served it with supremed mandarin oranges, but it was very good on its own as well. I think a scoop of creamy vanilla would have been perfect with it too - that's for next time.

This is an entry for Brazilian Linda's sweet event Lördagsgodis (="Saturday Sweets") - which is in Swedish. The theme this week: chocolate.

Chocolate Sorbet
Makes about 1/2 litre (2 cups)

275 ml water
100 g sugar
40 g cocoa
95 g chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Mix sugar, water and cocoa in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Finely chop the chocolate and add it, as well as vanilla and salt. Cool completely, preferrably overnight or at least for a few hours in the fridge. Churn in your ice-cream machine.

Recipe in Swedish:

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