Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Brussel Sprouts in Cream


So, I didn't have a big Thanksgiving dinner this year, like I've already said. However, I did try a few new recipes, and the star was definitely the brussel sprouts. I know, I know, many of you hate sprouts. As did two of my guests. One of them loved this though! And no wonder, since the sprouts really aren't main players any more - use good quality bacon, and that will make this into a really amazing dish. And a really un-healthy one so don't have this every day, ok?

Brussel Sprouts in Cream

500 g brussel sprouts
300 ml heavy/double cream
200 g bacon
salt, black pepper, squeeze of lemon

Start by dicing the bacon and frying in a deep pan or skillet until very crispy. Set aside, but don't wipe the pan.

Meanwhile, clean the sprouts and quarter them into neat little wedges. Fry in the bacon fat (and add some oil if you feel you need to) until they're a bit brown at the edges. (Say, 7-8 minutes)

Add the cream. Cook on low heat for 25-30 minutes. Add the bacon, and season with salt, black pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Recipe in Swedish:
Gräddkokt brysselkål

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