Monday, December 1, 2008

Giveaway: apron from Phasethree


I have something special for you today. Remember my apron that I posted about? Well, I love it. And the wonderful ladies at Phasethree offered to send a beautiful pink and brown apron -totally free! - to one of my readers! Yes, that's the one in the photo!

To enter, leave a comment to this post, stating your favorite must-have holiday food (I'd love to get some inspiration!). I'll pick a winner when the week is over. You can enter until Sunday December 8, midnight Pacific time zone. And the giveaway is open to everyone, no matter where you live.

But wait! You can also get free shipping when you order your very own apron from Phasethree, during this same week. Free shipping if you're in the US, and a discounted $5 for shipping anywhere else in the world. (Mention in the comments that you're from Anne's Food.) They have lots of really cute holiday aprons in right now - they'd be perfect as christmas gifts, for a friend or (dare I suggest it?) for yourself.

Need suggestions? This one with birds? Colorful snowmen? Or a more classical holiday motive?

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