Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 4 - Eight Year Anniversary

My husband and I celebrated our eighth anniversary with a pasta/pizza dinner at Timo in Itaewon. I had pizza with sweet potato piped on it like icing on a cake. Before dinner we took our annual "reminiscing route" around Itaewon. In 2001 on my first Saturday night in the "ville," I met Eric at Pancho's (then Nickleby's). He gave me his number on a napkin! A week later we met near the Hyatt, a hotel between our apartments. We had our first date at this nightclub: Our "route" starts at Eric's old apartment and follows a narrow, steep path to my old apartment. Then we continue towards Itaewon, where we pass each significant bar and tell stories about the old days. We thought we should have drinks and go dancing at Spy Club, but we've passed that phase in life. Instead, we were home by 9pm and up early for a duathlon!
Much different from the old days, when we drank Kool-aid and soju from cut-off soda containers (Mandy) and ate greasy egg sandwiches from the same old lady's cart (Eric).

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