Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Apricots with Mascarpone & Pistachios


I made this for the Tupperware party I hosted a few weeks ago. It's a fun little snack with cool combinations - sweet, tangy and nutty, and chewy, creamy and crunchy. I wouldn't eat a whole plate of these, but one or two - absolutely. Poaching the apricots in cardamom-scented syrup makes them swell up a bit, but I honestly don't think it's absolutely necessary. If you want the faint cardamom flavor, try adding a tiny bit to the mascarpone instead.

Apricots with Mascarpone & Pistachios

200 g dried apricots (the soft, ready-to-eat kind
50 g mascarpone cheese
30 g pistachios
300 ml water
150 ml sugar
seeds from 6 green cardamom pods

Bring sugar and water to a boil and add the cardamom seeds. Add the apricots and let them simmer for fifteen minutes. Remove, and leave to cool. Finely chop the pistachios and put in a shallow bowl.

Cut a pocket in each apricot (they will already have a little hole from when the stone was removed, so just make it larger) and stuff with a tiny bit of mascarpone cheese. Dip, cheesey side down, in the pistachios. Arrange on a platter, and leave in the refrigerator until serving.

Recipe in Swedish:
Mascarponefyllda aprikoser med pistachnötter

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