Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spicy snacks


Still in Örebro, at my hotel room after a hard day's work. Well, not that hard. Unless you count sitting a conference hall hard work. It's been long, anyway.

Photo - that's some very spicy and flavorful peanuts that I made a while ago. I'd been asked to test a few recipes for the Swedish food writer (and blogger) Lisa Förare Winbladh, and this is one of the things I tried. The spice mix is really nice, and rather close to the traditional chinese five-spice. I used, among other things, star anise, cinnamon, sechuan pepper (my first experience with this lovely spice!), salt, chili pepper and some other things. I tried it with cashews too, but Per ate those so quickly I couldn't even get a photo. Highly recomended.

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