Thursday, April 12, 2007

Chickpea Dip with Feta Cheese


Here's the dip I promised you yesterday! Sort of a hoummus - in the sense that it's a chickpea dip - but not very traditional. Awfully good though! I'm not a huge chickpea fan, yet, but I'm getting there. Slowly.

Chickpea Dip with Feta Cheese

2 cans of chickpeas (each 400 g)
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 lemon
1 tsp salt
3-4 tbsp olive oil
2-3 tbsp water
cayenne pepper
75 g feta cheese
1/2 red onion
fresh coriander

Put the chickpeas, the garlic, the juice of the lemon, salt and olive oil in a food processor and mix until you have a smooth mixture. Add water if it's too thick. Put in a bowl. You can prepare this in advance.

When serving, top with crumbled feta cheese, finely chopped red onion, cumin, cayenne pepper and fresh coriander. Serve with baked pita chips.

Recipe in Swedish:
Kikärtsdip med fetaost

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