Friday, February 1, 2008

Punsch Parfait


Friday! And time for a luxurious dessert, don't you think? Here's the one I served for New Year's Eve (hence the sparklers)! You do need Swedish punsch which is "a traditional liqueur in Sweden and to a lesser extent some other Nordic countries produced from arrack, neutral spirits, sugar, water, and various flavorings. Arrack, originally a strong Indian liquor, was imported from Java and became the base ingredient for making punsch."

If you don't have this, substitute other sweet spirits that you might like - perhaps Malibu, Amaretto or Frangelico? In addition to punsch, this ice cream (a parfait is much like a semifreddo - an ice cream that doesn't need stirring.

Punsch goes very well with strawberries, so I made a simple warm strawberry coulis to serve with this - just heat strawberries with a few spoonfuls of punsch and if they need it, a little bit of sugar. Mash lightly, and that's it.

Punsch Parfait
Serves 6

3 egg yolks
100 ml sugar
300 ml double cream (35-40% fat)
3-4 tbsp punsch
100 g chocolate, chopped (mix dark and milk if you want to, I did and it was great.)

Beat egg yolks and sugar until it's very very thick and light in color. Add the punsch. Beat the cream until thickened and carefully fold it into the eggs. Add the chocolate. Pour into a mold (grease it if it's not non-stick) and place it in the freeze for at least four hours but preferrably over night. Remove a few minutes before serving and let it soften a little bit. Especially if you want to add sparklers!

Recipe in Swedish:

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