Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Waiter, there's something in my... Pomegranate Bulgur Salad


I'm pretty excited that this month's theme of "Waiter, there's something in my.." is salad. Winter salads, in fact. Because I have just the thing. I love winter salads, actually, or any salads really. Or at least any salad that feels like a meal. It's perfect for dinner if you had a big lunch, or as lunch if you're planning a big dinner. I'm especially fond of it for weekend lunches, when we usually either skip lunch, or end up eating fast food if we're out and about.

This would also be a lovely light dinner for Valentine's Day! I'd serve it with some toasted sourdough bread, and follow up with a chocolatey dessert, like Chocolate Mousse or Rocky Road Semifreddo.

Pomegranate Bulgur Salad
Serves 2 as a main dish for dinner, more if you eat something else with it, or aren't very hungry

100 ml bulgur wheat
175 ml water
100 g mixed salad leaves
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
2 oranges
1 avocado
1/2 pomegranate
125 g halloumi cheese
olive oil

For the dressing:
olive oil
white wine vinegar
salt, pepper
dijon mustard

Bring the water to boil in a small pot with a lid. Add some salt and the bulgur, cover, and let it stand on low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Meanwhile, slice the onion in thin slices. Supreme the oranges - meaning cut out segments without any of the membranes - and dice the avocado. Get the seeds from the pomegranate, this is easiest to do by submerging it in a bowl of water, while you pick out all the seeds. (This prevents any bright red spattering on yourself, your counter, your cupboards, your pets. It's good.)

Dice the halloumi and fry in a little bit of oil until golden brown and crisp.

Make a simple dressing - just whisk olive oil and white wine vinegar, season with some honey and mustard, add a little pinch of salt and pepper.

Toss everything together - and eat with a good bread. That's all there's to it.

This also qualifies nicely for A Fruit A Month, which is hosted by Sra of When my Soup came Alive. Cool event - started by Beyond the Usual, and this will be my first time.

Recipe in Swedish:
Bulgursallad med granatäpple

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