Thursday, February 21, 2008

Salmon Rolls


This is one of Per's favorite foods in the world. It's something he grew up with, and he's really been trying to get me to love them too... but I have to say, it's only very recently that I even managed to try a bite. See, the combination of cured salmon and mustard.. it just didn't sound appealing to me. Especially not since I've only started to enjoy mustard at all - it's been a no-go food for me for many years.

But anyway. I saw the light. These are good. Really good, indeed. Per agreed that this latest batch was better than usual - what was different? A little less mustard, and a bit more salmon. It's all in the balance here.

You need a thin, soft bread - if you can't find Swedish-style flatbread, you could always try it with a wheat tortilla. Our bread is a little thicker, and sweeter, but it's at least in the neighborhood... one day, I'll see if I can find a recipe to make your own flatbread, without needing a special oven.

Salmon Rolls

thin, soft bread
cured salmon (gravlax)
grated cheese, preferrably rather sharp
grainy mustard, preferrably rather sweet
yellow onion, finely minced

Spread a very thin layer of mustard on the bread. Cover with thick-ish slices of salmon, and some minced onions. Top with grated cheese, and roll up. Place in an oven-proof dish, seam-side down, cover with some more cheese and bake at 200°C for 10-15 minutes.


Recipe in Swedish:

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