Friday, March 13, 2009

Ciprian's ice cream


I'm sure we can all agree that home made ice cream is the best. It's better than anything you can find in the store - hands down. However, some brands try harder than others to make good commercial products, using fresh and organic ingredients. Häagen-Dazs is a long-term favorite for me, some people love Ben & Jerry's (but I'm not crazy about their ingredients...) and a new one on the market in Sweden is Ciprian's. It's made by a very old ice cream manufacturer, Pipersglace, and marketed under this new name. It is organic and very, very good. I've been lucky enough to try several of the flavors, and while it doesn't beat home made... it's pretty good. Nougat is my favorite, a creamy vanilla with hints of toasted almonds and burnt sugar. Cardamom is also spectacular - with large pieces of actual cardamom. Not something I'd eat a full pint of, but that's a good thing! I *do* however have a slight problem with the ingredients as they do use a few additives. It deducts a little bit from the experience for me - especially since other brands manage to make good ice cream from fewer ingredients - but it's not a huge deal.

Other flavors include strawberry, blueberry, cloudberry, vanilla, elderflower sorbet, blackcurrant sorbet and a few others. Definitely pick up a package or two if you come across them - they're sold in Hemköp and other select Swedish supermarkets.

(Photo provided by Ciprian's themselves - no, I didn't keep mine long enough to take a photo of it.)

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