Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lamb Meatloaf


No, it's not pretty. No, I can't shape a meatloaf and get it to hold up. Nope.

Don't worry though. The taste more than makes up for it.

I really love lamb - especially with strong assertive flavors that can stand up to it. This is meatloaf with pine nuts and feta cheese, and I'm starting to salivate right now, just thinking about it. It'll take perhaps ten minutes to prep, and some more to cook - but in all, it's a pretty quick meal. I didn't pay attention to how long it was actually in the oven since I used a thermometer, but... maybe half an hour? It will really depend on the shape you make your loaf, so check to see if it's done.

I served it with a simple tomato sauce and some potato wedges and that was delicious. I had it with pasta, and the rest of the tomato sauce, on the next day for lunch. Just as good!

Lamb Meatloaf
Serves 4

500 g ground lamb
100 g feta cheese
3 tbsp milk
1 tbsp breadcrumbs
2 tbsp rolled oats
1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 tbsp toasted pine nuts
1 egg
dried oregano, sage and thyme
olive oil

Mix breadcrumbs and oats with the milk and the egg and leave in a bowl for ten minutes to swell. Add the dried herbs - a good pinch of each. Fry the onion and garlic in some olive oil, and add this to the batter along with the ground lamb and the crumbled feta. Finally season with some black pepper - no need for salt as the cheese is quite salty - and the pine nuts.

Shape into a loaf, place in a pan and bake at 175°C until the inner temperature is about 80°C. (Yes - use a thermometer.) Leave to rest for at least five minutes before slicing.

Recipe in Swedish:

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