Monday, March 2, 2009

Cookbook Watch - it must be spring


...because I'm starting to receive books to review. First one this year was a real gem from Scribner: The Cracker Kitchen by Janis Owens. Normally, I frown upon books without photos and wasn't all that excited about this one when I started reading. I soon found that I could barely put it down - and it's all because Owens' writing is so amazing! She's hysterically funny, and made me laugh out loud as well as recite passages for my husband. And the food? The food sounds good, too. Very. I'm dying to get my hands on a good ham (generally just sold at christmas or easter here, so I guess I'll wait for easter) to bake in brown sugar and coca-cola. And this summer, I have to make some of the very many recipes for fried stuff - I just have to decide on one. Or two. If you're at all interested in American Southern cooking - or just looking for a fun read - do get this one.


Swedes are increasingly concerned with eating within the seasons (not so much fun in the winter, but a lot more exciting the rest of the year) and also care about eating locally grown or organic produce. This book, "Säsongens Vego" ("Vegetarian of the season", roughly translated) by Pia Hall has fourty recipes divided into the different seasons. They're all vegetarian, as the title implies, and accompanied by beautiful photos. The cover photo is one of the dishes I'd love to make - crostini with a creamy lemon spread and fresh broad beans! Can't help thinking it'd be improved by a little bit of crispy bacon though, but perhaps that's just me. Portobello burgers, or tomato terrine sound really nice too.

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