Friday, November 9, 2007

More about Innocent


I professed my love for Innocent Drinks a short while ago. Well, I didn't tell you then, but I also recieved a couple of Innocent books from one of their lovely staff in Denmark! (Hi Emma!) And I am so excited, especially about the big smoothie book. It's packed with smoothie recipes - and it has plenty of "genuine" recipes for smoothies that are actually produced and sold by Innocent. So, if you can't get them in the stores, you can make them yourself! Well, involving *quite* a bit more effort. :) My main obstacle is that I don't have a juicer. I'm thinking about buying one, but I'm a bit hesitant - first because I don't know where I'll keep it, they're pretty big. Second because I'm pretty sure that I want a fairly pricey one to be content with the performance, and that means I actually have to pay up. So, well, we'll see. Maybe. Or maybe not.

Anyway. The book has loads of recipes that you don't need a juicer for too, and it's fine to start with a base of bought apple or orange juice. It might not be as good, but hey, it's definitely more convenient. And there are fairly decent juices to be bought these days. So, if you're a smoothie fan - do check out this book. What I particularly like is that it's (almost) all fruit. Smoothies in Sweden usually include yogurt, and as I'm not a big yogurt fan, I'm glad Innocent sticks to fruit for their smoothies. (Calling their yogurt-based drinks for "thickies".)

The small book is a very cute one - stay healthy, be lazy. That pretty much sums it up. I passed it on to my friend Pia who is also a fan of Innocent - share the joy!

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