Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A cookbook Meme

My good friend Tülin (who I wrote about here, and who has just started her own blog here) tagged me for a cookbook meme! Fun!

1. How many cookbooks do you own?

As you can see in the picture - quite a few. I recently did a cleaning, and gave away ten or so, but I still have around 125.

2. Which cookbook is the one you bought most recently?

That would be two, that came with the same order from Adlibris, my favorite online bookshop. One was Paul Hollywood's book, 100 Great Breads. I was introduced to Hollywood's baking by Nic, and I did this great bread just before christmas. The rest of the breads in his book look equally wonderful, so I really look forward to it. The other book is "Två Systrars Söta" by the owners of The Cookbook Café. Just sweets - cookies, cakes, icecream.. this book has them all.

3. Which cookbook is the one you read most recently?

Still reading, really. The Gourmet Cookbook.

4. Name five cookbooks which mean a lot to you

I'm cheating, and using the same answers as last time I talked about my cookbooks. I still feel the same way.

- Stora Kokboken (Translates "The Big Cookbook")

This used to be my grandmother's. My other grandmother (maternal) had one too, which I grew up with, since she lived with us. That one is another edition, and I'm much more used to that one - but mom would never give it up, so it lives with her. Instead, I got this one when my other grandmother (paternal) died. She got it for christmas in 1953. I use this a lot! This has so incredibly many good basic recipes, it's something I always look at.

- Jamie Oliver - Jamie's Dinners

Well, this is my favorite of Jamie's books, but I have all of them. We cook extensively from this one, as its very inspirational. More importantly, everything has come out absolutely perfect so far. Yum. A safe book.

- Nigella Lawson - Nigella Bites

Again, I have all of Nigella's books, but this is my personal favorite. I have made about half the recipes in it, I think, and I love it. It's not as dependable as Jamie, but it's even more used.

- Bitchin' in the Kitchen - The PMS Survival Cookbook

I picked up this little gem in a weird store somewhere in a mall in California, many years ago. It's written by Jennifer Evans and Fritzi Horstman, and I completely fell for it straight away. Who wouldn't love a cookbook with chapters like "Chocolate", "Comfort Foods", "Sugar, Sugar", "The Salt Fix" and "Desperado Feasts"? I heartily recommend this. All recipes also come with a "piggie rating". I don't use it *that* much, but what I've tried, I love. And it's fun just for reading. No pictures though.

Now, who do I tag.. let's go with some Swedes!

1. Dagmar of A Cat in the Kitchen
2. Ilva of Lucullian Delights
3. Kristina of Clivia´s Cuisine
4. Manne of Tummyrumble

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