Thursday, January 12, 2006

This year, I dare...

Ilva challenged me! She listed five things she'd dare to make this year that she hasn't previously dared to try. Interesting. Her choices included soufflés - which I made for IMBB. It was surprisingly easy - and I'll try to make some more this year. I think I'll also give Puff Pastry another go - that also went quite well. But what challenges are left for me? Lots, lots, lots. These are the top five I could think of:

1. Budapest Swiss Roll, or Budapest-rulle as it's called here. It's what you see in the picture above - this particular one being flavored with chocolate and filled with raspberries and cream. It's like a swiss roll, which I tried for the first time last year, but harder since it's much more filling, and since the bottom is much crumblier than regular cake. (It's sort of a nut-meringue bottom.) Indeed, I'll try more advanced pastries, in general!

2. Roast Chicken. That's right. I've never roasted a whole chicken. I'm embarrassed, yes. I've roasted turkeys - successfully! - but never a chicken. So, I promise to try at least three different recipes for roast chicken. Ok?

3. Gnocchi. I've eaten ready-made from the store, and I've very happily eaten the ones Lena and Nico makes - but I haven't tried them myself. Lena says they're simple - well, I don't know. I kind of doubt it. So I will try for myself this year. Hopefully with some supervision. As a bonus-promise, I will also make Swedish Kroppkakor (translates nicely into "body-cakes) which are large potato dumplings filled with fried pork, onions and allspice.

4. Real veal stock, per Anthony Bourdain's instructions. I know, I should probably be shot for not having done this already. But where the heck do you get veal bones? I need to work up the courage to ask someone in my local store.. and hope they don't look at me like i'm completely nuts.

5. Last, but not least: Penne alla Vodka. I've read many recipes for this, and I'm always intrigued.. but also intimidated. Vodka? In my pasta? Why? And can it really be good? This year, I'm going to find out.

So, now, tell me all about your five dares for 2006! I'm tagging the following five - but if you're not tagged, and you want to join in - by all means, go for it! This is not invitation only! :)

1. Kevin of Seriously Good
2. Sailu of Sailu's Food
3. Andrew of Spittoon
4. Nic of Bakingsheet
5. Jocelyn of Brownie Points

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