Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Swedish Christmas Ham

I'd be a bad Swedish blogger if I didn't give you at least a couple of Swedish christmas recipes. Ok, sorry, safely after christmas - but I didn't really have time to post about it before, being busy with actual preparations. Anyway. Most Swedes eat ham on Christmas, and most prepare it this exact way, with a mustard coat. I'm not a big mustard fan and usually make something else - a herb crust, or a honey glaze - but this year I did it the traditional way, to Per's relief. You could also add whole cloves in a decorative pattern - but really, that's a little over the top for me.

So. Get a ham. Either a pre-boiled one, as most seem to do these days (I know I certainly did) or a salted one that you boil or bake yourself. Cut off any visible fat. Preheat oven to 225°C. Take three tablespoons of hot, sweet grainy mustard, and one egg. Beat vigorously together until you have a uniform, silky mixture. Brush this over the top of the ham. Sprinkle over breadcrumbs - loads and loads of breadcrumbs - and press them into the mustard.

Bake in the oven for fifteen minutes, watch closely so it doesn't burn.

That's it! Eat cold, in thin slices. Will keep well in the fridge for quite a while, wrapped in foil.

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