Sunday, January 22, 2006

Hay Hay it's Donna Day: Coconut Macaroons with Lime and Orange

Another blog event! This one is a fun little thing called "Hay Hay it's Donna Day" -a very specific event, created to celebrate the cook Donna Hay. I'm not awfully familiar with her, but I do have a Donnay Hay magazine, and I actually have three of her books. I've rarely used them though, heaven knows why. Anyway. This month's event is hosted by Glutton Rabbit, and it goes like this: Everyone makes the same recipe, but with their own twist. This month's recipe was Coconut Macaroons with lime. I didn't change it very much, but I did add orange peel and vanilla sugar, which added a really lovely flavor that complimented the lime very well. I was going to dip them in chocolate, too - but as I was bringing them for a party, I thought the better of it and left them plain like this so that people would have a lighter alternative. They were very tasty, and although they are definitely best straight from the oven, they keep reasonably well in the freezer or in an air-tight container.

I used more egg whites than in the original recipe simply because I had a lot of frozen egg whites and I had forgotten to mark how much was in each bag. Pretty sure it was three, though. And these proportions worked well!

Coconut Macaroons with Lime and Orange
makes about 20 cookies

3 egg whites
90 g (~100 ml) sugar
200 g coconut flakes
1 tbsp vanilla sugar
the peel of 1 lime
the peel of 1 orange

Preheat the oven to 175°C. Mix all of the ingredients, and drop spoonfuls on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until lightly golden.

(Oh, and the thing in the picture that's not a cookie? It's a flower pot decoration stick, made by one of my sisters. I love it!)

Kokoskakor med apelsin och lime

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