Monday, February 20, 2006

Walnut Pasta Sauce

Pasta with walnut sauce is really tasty, and very simple to prepare. You can use any pasta you'd like, but I especially like a fresh filled tortellini with spinach. Make it yourself - or don't. The beauty of this sauce is that it's really fast to prepare, so making your own pasta would contradict that a bit. It's also something you can prepare in advance, and just heat up at last moment. And feel free to play around with seasonings and herbs! I decided to add coriander and lemon last time I made this, and that was really successful. What you can't substitute though - well, you really do need a food processor. Sorry.

Walnut Pasta Sauce
Serves 4

1-2 slices white bread, day old is fine
100 ml milk
100 g walnuts
3-4 tbsp olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
juice and peel of 1/2 lemon
handful of shredded parmesan
handful of fresh coriander

Rip up the bread into chunks, and let them soak in the milk for a little while. Place the bread and everything else in the food processor, and whizz until it's a nice, combined paste. (You can prepare up to here, if you want to.)

When you're ready to eat - which is pretty much when your pasta is boiling - scrape the sauce into a pan, and heat gently. Add more milk or olive oil if it's very solid, but you're also going to add hot pasta water to loosen the sauce and make it creamy. It should never boil - the fresh flavors here are important. Just let it heat up, loosen with water, toss with pasta, and serve at once!

Valnötssås till pasta

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