Sunday, February 12, 2006

Weekend Cat Blogging #36 - the whole gang

Left to right - Kelly, Hamlet, Edith, Glinda, Ywette

Clare is hosting WCB as usual, but showing off a new beauty, Ruby. This week, she asks that we talk about our cats cutest habits. Well. I don't know, really. They all have such distinct personalities. I think sometimes that they are the cutest in their interactions with one another. So, hence a picture of all five. This is just after distributing their favorite snack, smoked ham, which is why they're all in the same spot. It's not usually like that.

But, for cutest habits.. I don't know. Kelly likes to dip her head under the water fountain so she doesn't have to wash herself so much. And with all her fur, I can't blame her.

Edith will stand on her legs if you give her a snack, and reach for it with her paw.

Glinda, well, she's just cute all the time. She's super cuddly and will snuggle up to you as soon as she has a chance. She's also really handy with small, fiddly things, and is of the very certain belief that all pens belong on the floor.

Hamlet will eat breakfast with me, every day, and he gets very worried if I'm nearing the end of my sandwich without him getting a bite. Then he'll gently paw my wrist, to remind me that he's there.

And Ywette. Well, the cutest is that she understands every word that I say. For real. We have an amazing communication, and that's really more fascinating than any feline thing she does.

A bonus picture of the sisters, Edith and Glinda.

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