Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Cookbook Watch: Desperate Housewives Cookbook


I have to admit it: I'm a TV-addict. I love watching TV-shows! (My current favorites? Heroes, Prison Break and Dexter.) And I have to admit a certain fondness for spin-off products. Obviously, cooking related ones are extra fun, so I already have the Sopranos cookbook, Cooking with Friends, and now; The Desperate Housewives Cookbook. Which is charming - just charming.

Those of you that have never watched the show, you might want to take a pass, but all those who gleefully follow the lives of Bree, Susan, Lynette, Gabrielle and Edie, this is the book for you. I really enjoy the concept here - each housewife has a chapter with recipes that she'd enjoy making. Bree's section holds elaborate, from-scratch recipes that will take a long time and yield fantastic results. Susan's section holds "idiot-proof" recipes - or even "Susan-proof". Lynette's has a lot of family favorites, Gabrielle's some fabulous party food and also some beautiful Latino recipes, and Edie's? Well, Edie doesn't cook much. So it's all about making an impression without much effort. And who doesn't like that?

It also has a few recipes from "the neighbors". Nice touch. In addition to the recipes, the book has a lot of photos from the show, and some trivia snuck in here and there. The actual recipes are written by Christopher Styler, who has previously written several other cookbooks. I haven't tried anything just yet - but everything looks easy enough to follow, and much of it looks really good. So, in conclusion - if you love the show, you'll probably enjoy this one a lot! If you don't like the show - well, don't bother.

Link to Amazon.
Link to Adlibris - Swedish online bookstore.

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