Sunday, October 28, 2007

Swedish Crisp Bread with Sunflower seeds


I know it took me ages to finally try my hand at Swedish crisp bread, but once I did, I did it several times. Here's another recipe - it's really good, and it's really easy. The only labor intense part is rolling out the dough, but it's not difficult in the least. Use plenty of flour so it doesn't stick to your rolling pin (and yes, you do want a special knobbly rolling pin, a kruskavel, for the final rolling, and you'll do fine. This bread is great to serve as a small appetizer with some interesting dips, or to eat with the food. It's nice for a late night snack too. Or for breakfast. Really, it's hard to think of time when this wouldn't be appropriate. Oh - wait, I got it. Don't eat this in bed.

Swedish Crisp Bread with Sunflower seeds

25 g fresh yeast
500 ml tepid water
3 tsp salt
1 tbsp honey
800 ml coarse rye flour (3.2 cups)
200 ml wheat flour (0.8 cups)
200 ml wholewheat flour (0.8 cups)
150 ml sesame seeds (0.6 cups)
100 ml sunflower seeds (0.4 cups)
3-4 tbsp linseed

More sesame seeds
flaky sea salt

Dissolve the yeast in the water, and add salt, honey and rye flour. Stir and add all other ingredients. Knead by hand or in a machine, and add some extra wheat flour if the dough is too sticky. Move the dough to a clean bowl, cover with tea towel and leave to rise for one hour.

Roll out the dough into a long sausage shape, and divide into 15 pieces. Roll out each piece into a thin round. Use flour so the dough doesn't stick, and turn it often. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and sea salt before the final rolling.

Roll a few times with a kruskavel. If you don't have one, prick the dough all over with a fork. Use a small glass or a cookie cutter to remove a hole from the middle of the round, or just cut a cross in the middle of the bread before baking it so it will easily break into nice pieces after baking.

Place directly on a baking sheet and bake at 200°C (that's for a convection oven, use 225°C in a regular oven) for 10-12 minuter. You have to turn them after half the time or they will burn.

Recipe in Swedish:
Knäckebröd med solrosfrön

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