Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bulgur with Chanterelles, Feta & Pomegranate


This is a brilliant side dish, to any meat or chicken. It also works really well on its own, as a nice starter, or a vegetarian main dish. I first ate it at Dagmar's, but when I made it myself (to go with a roasted leg of lamb), I skipped the parsley and substituted feta cheese instead of chèvre since that's what I happened to have. It worked really well! I used golden chanterelles that had previously been frozen, and that was delicious. You can use any wild mushroom here, but I don't think ordinary button mushrooms would be great. You need the woodsy flavor to contrast with the salty cheese and the fruity pomegranate.

Bulgur with Chanterelles, Feta & Pomegranate

Serves 4

300 ml bulgur wheat
600 ml water
1 red onion, finely chopped
300 g chanterelles
1 pomegranate
100 g feta cheese, crumbled
100 ml pistachios, coarsely chopped
fresh thyme
butter, salt, pepper

Boil the bulgur in the water, it'll take about 10-15 minutes. Fry the onion and the chanterelles in a little bit of butter until all the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated. Mix with the bulgur, pistachios and thyme. Arrange on a large platter, and top with crumbled feta cheese and the seeds from the pomegranate.

Recipe in Swedish:
Bulgursallad med kantareller, fetaost och granatäpple

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