Saturday, October 18, 2008

Personalized offers at the grocery store

I shop at Ica, as do many other Swedes - it's one of the largest chains of grocery stores, if not The Largest. I have their store card, which means that all my purchases are logged. I don't mind that. Especially not when they use it for something that benefits me! Yesterday, I received a bunch of coupons "just for me", that were based on my previous buying patterns. I'm pretty darn pleased - I admit to buying all of those things (well, there was one surprise...) I hope they'll keep this up - I much rather get coupons I'll actually use than completely useless offers. How about you? Does your store offer this? Do you like it? I do see that some people have an integrity issue with this, but I personally don't.

Here are my offers this month:

-hard taco shells (yup, we buy taco tubs every now and then)
-fresh basil (ooh, indeed)
-Häagen-Dazs ice cream (yes.. yes. I indulge.)
-cream cheese (not something I buy a lot, but it happens)
-red Danish hotdogs (this was the surprise. I've never, ever bought this, but when confronted, Per admitted that he frequently gets this when he's home alone)
-vitamin-c fizzy tablets (every morning!)
-cat food (obviously)
-bake up baguettes, the kind you just stick in the oven for freshly baked bread in the mornings (we like this on weekends)
-organic tortilla chips (ok, I admit it)
-feta cheese (definitely!)

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