Thursday, November 6, 2008

Baked Tortellini


Yesterday's field trip was really fun. I loved seeing Wasa's crisp bread production, and it was great getting to taste bread right off the line. Lena has posted a few more pics. Wasa does export a lot of bread, and you can find the christmas crisp bread which we actually watched being made in many IKEA stores world-wide.

Anyway. Let's talk about food. And as usual these days, fast food. Convenient food. Stuff that can be prepared without really doing much work. It's the way I eat right now. I'm sure it'll change to more elaborate preparations eventually, but for now.. this is it.


Baked tortellini is something we ate a lot a few years ago, but I hadn't had it in a really long time until last week. And it's so simple. What you do is boil tortellini (fresh or dried) until it's almost done but not quite. Mix with a cheese sauce (ready made is convenient and what I use, but go ahead and make your own.), some strips of smoked ham and green peas. Pour in an oven-proof dish, cover with some shredded cheese, place in a hot oven for 20 minutes or so and - voila! Delicious dinner.

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