Friday, November 7, 2008

Kitten news, and dinner cooked by someone else

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First of all, my dear kitty Gisele Gruyère gave birth to no less than six kittens today! Impressive! She doesn't live with me, but with my aunt, so you might not get photos every week, but I'll try. I need help naming them, so check back tomorrow for individual photos and the name rules!


Per made a really great dinner a few nights ago. It's pork tenderloin, sliced and beaten with a pan until thinned down a bit (I'm sure there's a more technical term...), then filled with Cambozola blue cheese. It's fried, and then served with a delicious chanterelle sauce, and tomato bulgur wheat. Incredibly delicious - the flavors are all strong and assertive, but surprisingly good together.

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